Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So a new post to tell you all that i won't be very active from today onwards, because exams are drawing near. Plus my Chinese Exam is dangerously close and my results for it are low in the dumps. I made a bet with my mum remember? About the As and max a B trading for a necklace. My Chinese got a C6, not even close to a B3 which im aiming for. So, i think your get it, i got to work very hard on that language which i practically hate at this point. In addition I only had 4As for the last exam i took. Scoring two Bs and a C for the other three. One is on Biology which is heart wrenching. And the other was Geography plus Social Studies which was equally saddening since im aiming for A in both of them. Looks like i didnt put in enough effort i guess. I will still be visiting now and then but i wouldn't be starting any major art pieces, just to let your know.

On a happier note, did your play Final Fantasy XIII? The one recently released for PS3 and Xbox. I know i mentioned it below. BUT can you believe that the rumors are saying Vanielle and Fang are lesbians?!! I mean im definitely not buying that! You mean being close and after surviving the odds makes one a lesbian?! Hell NO! Am i a lesbian if i walk with my friend a lil too close or change in the same cubicle? No! =.= What is it with people nowadays? Just because they held hands and become crystalized? Man i bet i did hug the person instead and i for one is 100% straight. Why?! You are turning into a crystal for god knows how long, not dead yet not alive and theres only a person who is with you, man i did cling tight to her! So cast your vote, what do your think?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good News!

I just found out!! What?!! My mum says she's gonna buy Serah's Necklace that cost $249.99 for me!! Of course theres an if... Only if i get all As for my 'O' Levels and max one B. I think im gonna go for it! Thats the best news i ever heard!! But i don't know if they ship it to Singapore as the online shop is only available in USA, Japan, Europe and then Australia. I really hope they could ship here, will keep you posted.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Right, so i came about this merchandise when i was surfing the webs and how should i put it? Im captivated by them! Yes, i believe that's the right word. I really love it but its a pity i couldn't afford either one, why? Because they cost a lot mainly... Well, its something i really really want and i thought i did share it with your. Well, both of the items came from Final Fantasy XIII. Well, they are beautiful!

The first one is an intricate 925 Silver replica of the engagement pendant worn by both Serah and Snow from Final Fantasy XIII. It cost a hefty $249.99.

You know this is the first time i actually like accessories! Not taht i don't like them but i wasn't very interested in them before. I was kinda stuck in the box, ya know? Well specifically this one. But the thing is i couldn't afford it. Maybe i could earn some money by taking commissions but im way too busy for that so i suppose this is just a dream. Though i did really love to get them as a present which well is way to costly. Suppose i just share with you this one very beautiful merchandise.

Other information can be found here => Square Enix Online Shop

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Soo... Guess what?! I got Final Fantasy XIII yesterday! Firstly, the graphics are of superb quality and the battle system didn't suck as much as i thought it would when i saw the trailer's battle system. Actually, the new battle system seems kinda good. With the Paradigm system, it actually makes thing a lot easier. Theres the medic, commander, ravager and saboteur role if i remember correctly.

There are a couple of main characters. Lightning, Seara, Snow, Vanielle, Hope, Sazh and Fang. Actually im not sure who Fang is yet since i haven't gone that far. Anyway by far Lightning and Snow's my favorite. Oh yes, and Hope? He actually reminds me of Larsa from FFXII. *Shrugs. Except that Larsa is more mature...

Anyway, one thing i realize the first major boss remains as the Garuda except that this one looks more sinister? but otherwise pretty much the same as FFXII's Garuda. Oh yes and theres the silver lobo another exquisite link to FF12. ^.^ And there is the crystarium, which is almost the same as the license board in FF12, have the same purpose. I know, i have been comparing but come on its fun!^.^ Yes and the Ediolos, the Espers!! I really liked Lightning's Ediolos, Odin. The horse is really lovely. And there is Snow's Ediolos, Nix and another... cant remember who. Right, so right now we are at Chapter 6! Ya, the starting of that Chapter anyway at the Gapra Whitewood. Hmmm, Vanielle actually reminds me a lot about Penelo from FF12... One more thing, FF13 is a must buy! Superb graphics, characters, soundtrack, story. Really one of the best RPG games ever made!;)

Lightning Farron
Serah Farron
Sazh Katzroy
Hope Estheim
Oerba Dia Vanielle
Oerba Yun Fang

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The Oscars! Seen it?! I got it recorded, guess why? Cause i just wanna see The Hurt Locker get all the awards!! Hahar.... Damn thats lame but still... Its a good show, good story line, good picture, good sound. Why?! Cause i bought the Blu- Ray version and played on my ps3... =.= Okay... Thats not my choice, my bro was the one who wanted it. To those who don't know, The Hurt Locker won 6 out of 9 nominations! Yay!! Annnnnd it has a female director! Woot! <*whispers 'Plus shes pretty....'>
Right, back to me. I got back my E Math test results today and i was devastated to find out i only had 21.5 / 25... Why? Because, all the marks are lost due to Carelessness! Wow, i saw 'd' as 'b'. And it should be +/-2, i only wrote +2 and not -2... And, the other one was because i saw the wrong numbers and wrote 21 instead of 31.... All that cost me 3.5 marks... Well, thats ok... i am so gonna kill myself! Thats still an A i suppose, should be happy... For A Math, i fared pretty badly and got 17/25 and i lost 3 marks due to carelessness!

'Can you believe it?! Urgh...'

'Right, you could have done worse..'

'Thats a B, mind ya! And im not happy with that! Not one SINGLE bit!'

'Right... '

Ah well, i did an icon for myself btw, you can see it on my D.A acct or on my msn display pic. Its my nature wolf, i promised i did do him right, during march? I did, but in the form of an icon since i am so behind on my other art works. Im gonna call it Barrett. Sorry, not the Final Fantasy 7 Barret Wallace. Barrett is a US Sniper Rifle with pinpoint accuracy. I called him Barrett since this guy is sharp, alert, and is very accurate in whatever he does... I think...
Barrett : ' What'cha mean you think?! Im one of the best so shut it! '

Alright.... Anyway here you are, instead of doing the usual wolf with bulky muscle, i did a chibilised ver. of this guy.

Ok, this icon doesn't exactly reflect on his personality, because his personality is so not like that... Ok...

Before i forget i wanna say R.I.P to Sgt Frost who have died in a heli crash. You have been a great guy in the front lines, i hope you find peace. For those who don't know, he passed away March 3rd 2008 in a helicopter crash a month before he was scheduled to be released from duty in Iraq. I know its last year but still...=.= Thought i did just mention him.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Feature

To keep your updated, i am not really active this month or the last due to a lot of homework and revision stuffs. So i couldn't exactly get time out for my art work. To say,I just had another A Math test today on Differentiation. =.= *Sigh... Its really tough and i probably could fail it... Anyway, I plan to do an early March Feature in hope of relieving some stress. So here ya go.